Daniel Pérez-Parra

Hamer village, Omo Valley (Ethiopia, 2023)

Welcome to my personal site! I am Daniel Pérez-Parra, a third-year PhD student in Economics at the Université Gustave Eiffel (ÉRUDITE) & the Université de Tours (LÉO) supervised by Marine de Talancé and Catherine Bros. I was a Visiting PhD student at the University of Oxford (CSAE) in 2024, invited and supervised by Stefan Dercon

My thesis examines the impact of public policies on harmful traditional norms and gender-based violence in West Africa. Using geospatial data and impact evaluation techniques, I analyse which policies are effective in eradicating female genital cutting, child marriage, and domestic violence, as well as the influence of adverse shocks on these practices.

I am a former Research Assistant of Noam Angrist and Jorge García-Hombrados. Additionally, I served as a Research Consultant for What Works Hub for Global Education at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford.

Research interests: Development Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Impact Evaluation, Harmful Traditional Norms, Economics of Education, and Political Economy.